Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Season of Change

We here in the U.S. know how the mantra of “Change” resonated with the masses, even if they didn’t know what was going to change or how. On the other side of the ballot was a pair who labeled themselves as “reformers.” That message also resonated with their supporters.


Why is it that people who normally prefer the “don’t rock the boat” philosophy suddenly embrace the idea of turning it over and forcing everyone to “get involved” in the process – swim or sink!

Why? Because we have entered a season of change.

Like it or not; embrace it or fight it; things are changing.

What is changing?

In the U.S., the first answer is “the Administration.” Technically, it is the executive branch of our national government – the president and his cabinet. (There is also some change within our legislative branch – the Congress.) The fact that this is changing is not new. It happens at least every eight years, and, potentially, every four. This time, however, there is the “feel” of a much more drastic shift than we have previously experienced.

The current changes in the economy is not restricted to the U.S. It is much more widespread. While the U.S. is going through everything from the housing crisis to the potential meltdown of the “Big Three” automobile manufacturers, both Europe and Asia are experiencing their own economic challenges.

Other major cultural shifts are also occurring in both the U.S. and other western countries. The vocal minority is managing to exert the political influence needed to cause laws to change to empower behavior and agendas with which the majority do not agree. This runs the gambit from the legalization of same-sex marriage in various states in the U.S. to the legalization of the execution of Islamic Sharia law in parts of the United Kingdom.

I could spend pages enumerating the issues that are having negative impact on our societies and seem to be moving us further and further from godliness and righteous rule. For those with a theological view that things will continue to get worse and worse until God finally snatches us out of here to save us, it might seem that the end is near. I’m hearing more and more people say, “Come quickly, Lord Jesus!” It seems as though they are simply waiting to leave – and hoping it won’t be too much longer.

Not me. I know that (among other things) Christ is held in the heavenlies until His enemies are made his footstool (Hebrews 1:13) and until “times of restoration of all things” (Acts 3:21). Since neither of those things have yet happened, He cannot yet return. So, instead of retreating and waiting on the evacuation, I’m sharpening my sword.

Those of us with a different understanding of scripture also have a different view of the current situation. Rather than being ready “to throw in the towel” or to hunker down to “hold the fort” while we wait for God’s emergency airlift to evacuate His people from the planet, we’re sharpening our swords and trying to “strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees” (Hebrews 12:12). We know that while “the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people” that “the LORD will arise over [us], and His glory will be seen upon [us].” (Isaiah 60:2)

Change is not just coming to the secular world.

Change is also coming to the Church.

God is restoring the revelation of the true message of what the Kingdom of God is about. As we begin to understand, embrace, and walk out that message, we know that we will begin to take back the territory we have allowed the enemy to take. We know that the gates of hell shall not prevail against us. (Matthew 16:18) We know that gates don’t move (or at least not easily!); they are stationary. We have come to understand this passage means we storm those gates and take the territory that the enemy thought was protected behind them. It is time we go on the offensive and invade his territory to reclaim it for the Kingdom of God. How else will we ever reach the “times of restoration of all things”?

What territory do we need to recover for the Kingdom?

First, we need to retake any real estate the enemy still holds within the soil of our own heart or mind.

Then we need to pull down any strongholds he has built within our families, in the lives of those we love or with whom we have covenant relationships.

Then the territory under enemy control in our businesses, places of work, neighborhoods, stores or restaurants we frequent or anywhere “[our] foot shall tread” (Joshua 1:3) must be recovered.

Finally, we need to reclaim those areas within our governments – at all levels including city, county, state and national governments – that are not functioning under principles of the Kingdom of God.


There is much teaching and training to be be done here. Let me boil it down into a very brief summary for you to think upon.

We must understand what it means to be “kings and priests” – and start functioning in both roles here and now in this present age. If we are going to impact our world, we must do as Hebrews 6:5 tells us. We must taste “the good word of God and the powers of the age to come.”

We need to be able to access heaven to see the solution to earth’s problems and bring that solution into the earth realm. Then and only then will God’s will be done on earth (here and now) as it is in heaven (as we look into the heavenly, eternal realm and see it).

Then “the LORD will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.” And then, “the Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” (Isaiah 60:2-3)

Why will the Gentiles come to your light? Because you have light and they don’t.

Why will kings come to “your rising”? Because you have the answers to the problems they could not solve.

When we begin to access heaven (from our priestly position) to bring heaven’s solutions to earth, then we will begin to rise upon our mountain and displace the kings who currently rule there (establishing our kingly position).
