The meeting was kicked off with an extended period of worship that was some of the best I have been in for a while. Once worship leader Jeremy Burk "found the vein," he stayed in it and the press into the heavenlies was awesome as we continued to cry out Holy, Holy to the Lord.
Robert Henderson - Lessons from the Potter's House
Robert Henderson followed that with a brief teaching from Jeremiah 18:1-4.
"1 The word which came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying: 2 'Arise and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause you to hear My words.' 3 Then I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was, making something at the wheel. 4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; so he made it again into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make."His primary point was that God will bring reformation through vessels that have been marred, but allowed God to "make them again" into another vessel, as seems best to Him. He pointed out that the vessel was not marred due to a lack of skill of the potter, but rather due to the deficiencies (impurities) within the clay. Still, the potter did not discard the clay; rather he reshaped it into a different vessel that was still useful and could fulfill its purpose. He then shared four (4) points to answer the question, "How does God use marred vessels to bring Reformation?"
- We must realize where we came from - that we each have our areas of deficiencies (imperfections).
- We must understand that the Potter (God) can take the good that is in the clay (us) and re-form us into something of use and value.
- We must get positioned to hear from God. Jeremiah had to go to the potter's house. Once there, God, Himself, "caused" Jeremiah to hear His words. If we are not in the appropriate place, we will not be able to hear God speak.
- We must become instantly obedient. (See verses 7 & 9 where God says, "The instant I speak.") We can not hesitate or "continue to pray" over a matter once God has spoken. We must learn to act immediately, when God says to do so.
Dutch Sheets - Time for Action
After a few opening remarks, Dutch Sheets brought the message for the evening. I will digress to share some of his opening remarks.
Two statements that particularly caught my attention were: "You can be left-brained and be prophetic. You can teach and be prophetic." Those who know me well, will know why I am delighted that others are finally figuring that out!
He stated very clearly that it is time that we, the Body of Christ, put the grief (including the hope deferred and the disbelief) of this past election behind us.
He expressed the fact that he could, genuinely rejoice for the healing that had been brought to many African-Americans by having an African-American elected as our President. Unfortunately, it was not one that shares our values and beliefs. (Those are my words, not a direct quote.)
Nonetheless, "It's time to put the past behind and focus on the moving forward." He shared a dream (or vision) that one of the state leaders had recently that involved someone trying to drive a car while looking constantly in the rear-view mirror. You cannot steer where you need to go when you are totally focused on where you have been. It's time to get our focus back on the road ahead of us. With that directive, he began to do that.
Cindy Jacobs had called him today with a word for the meeting for tonight. She had been reading in a book by Derek Prince and had come across his reference to Pres. Abraham Lincoln's having appointed a National Fast Day. Dutch read us the following:
"Senator James Harlan of Iowa, whose daughter later married President Lincoln's son Robert, introduced this Resolution in the Senate on March 2, 1863. The Resolution asked President Lincoln to proclaim a national day of prayer and fasting. The Resolution was adopted on March 3, and signed by Lincoln on March 30, one month before the fast day was observed."
The USAA conference started on March 30. According to the word of the Lord through Cindy, the USAA conference had been delayed (it was originally planned for a different week) in order for it be held on March 30 - and that Dutch was to decree the beginning of healing in this nation.
Lincoln's proclamation (as written by the Senate) is too long to quote fully here, but take the time to read the entire statement. You will see that other than not being in the middle of the Civil War, it is equally applicable to this nation today. The proclamation was a call to "set apart a day for National prayer and humiliation" because of the condition of the nation. In part, it states,
"And whereas it is the duty of nations as well as of men, to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions, in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon; and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord. ...
"We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us!
"It behooves us then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness."
By signing this proclamation, Pres. Lincoln did "designate and set apart Thursday, the 30th. day of April, 1863, as a day of national humiliation, fasting and prayer. "
As an apostle to this nation, Dutch has called for "a day of national humiliation, fasting and prayer" this April 30. (Interestingly, April 30 of this year is also a Thursday.) I, personally, urge all who want to see reformation come to this nation as well as to the Church to join in on this day of prayer and fasting. We realize that it is just a few days before the National Day of Prayer - but this is a matter of God's timing, not man's. And, following what Robert Henderson taught earlier in the evening, when we hear God, we must obey.
From that point, Dutch said God had pointed him back to the prophetic words given at the "Starting The Year Off Right" conference (held each Jan 1-3 in Denton, TX) after his message there. In that message, God had given him "the first half" and told him to preach "the first half" and then call certain of the prophets to then prophesy "the second half." As he looked back over a transcribed copy of those words, God told him to re-read them tonight and then have certain people pray into each of those words, which he did. Each of the words to too lengthy to even begin to take it all down. Following are the titles he gave to each one and a brief recap of the word and the key point that was prayed over it tonight. [Note: The recaps are from the notes I took. They may not be totally accurate to the original wording.]
1) The Jacob Generation & the Josiah Reformers - We have been a generation of supplanters, deceivers, who did not deal rightly with one another. God is raising up Josiah reformers. The children will be a hidden weapon in this nation. Revival is coming to the children. Though we have not believed it, God is saying, "I am coming to visit your schools. I am coming." These reformers will tear down the altar of humanism. God is going to visit the 8-year-olds (which was Josiah's age when he became king). "The sign is flashing in the heavens for a time of visitation." [Note: The word used for "visitation" in the New Testament is the same word translated as "bishop" and means "to watch over, look after, cover or oversee."] The prayer centered around release for the children to come forth and begin to understand their role and take their stand for righteousness.
2) The David Generation & the Kingdom Generation - Many have been in hiding, as David hid in the cave of Adullam. These are those that religion does not know what to do with them; those that tradition does not know what to do with them. God said, "I will bring them forth for they hae a vision of My kingdom." They were willing to stay hidden in the cave until God brought them forth. God is saying to them, "Arise knowing that you were born for such a time as this." God said, "By the 8th month, the 12th day, I will bring a change" that the government and political system cannot stop. "Get ready. I am releasing your marching orders." Some key issues from the prayer was repentance for putting the kids in "the back of the church" (children's church) instead of training them in worship and ministry and a call for the Esthers to link up with the Mordacais to work together across the generations to bring about the reform. The word was that this was to be a three-generational movement.
3) The Melchizedek Spirit & Kingdom Warriors - It is a day to engage in the battle. That which is to be birthed requires intercession equally as intense. Angels of the Most High God are dismantling governing structures of the enemy. These warriors will be "fearless in the face of the mockery of the enemy's camp." The giant that has ruled this nation will fall. The enemy will free the sound of faith, the sound of righteousness, and the sound of the Word of the Lord. "I see fire on the east coast. I see fire on the west coast. I see floods in the [middle of the country]." The Lord says, "America, you have not completed your destiny." The prayer centered around calling for the release of these kingdom warriors and for them to arise and fight for their nation, their city, and the Church.
4) The "Covenanteers" - Sharon Stone indicated she kept wanting to use the word "reformer" and God was saying "Covenanteers" - those who were in covenant. "A fresh covenant is released when it is a day that people understand defining choices." There will be a release based on craving the presence of God. He will cause a "hero's spirit" to rise up in those who crave His presence. There will be a release of a promise to bring forth a national destiny that is not yet fulfilled. "By the 9th month, the 12th day a new cycle will begin." God's presence and His glory will be seen not just in the "churches" but on the streets. There will be "risks [taken] that will produce proactivity of destiny rather than only a vision of destiny." There will be "suddenlies" that will be signs and wonders in the land. "I have some strategies to initiate reform that accelerates you engaging your community and sphere." The prayer proclaimed an announcement to the Body of Christ to "come out of the pain of personal lose and pursue to overtake and recover all" as David did at Ziklag. A shifting was decreed, for strategies from heaven that would shift and move a nation. The "covenanteers" are the ones carrying the covenant - just as the priests bore the ark of the covenant on their shoulders. We, the covenanteers, must step out into the Jordan, even though it is at flood stage (and doesn't look like a good time to cross) and watch God perform the miracle to lead a nation across and into the promise.
WOW ... and this was just the first service!