Lee Grady’s recent Don’t Join the Cult of the Backslider article is about a new movement being birthed here in the US that is purposeful deception. Below are some excerpts (with emphasis added).
Since the Wild Goose Festival was held in North Carolina’s mountains, you might be tempted to think it was a typical bluegrass festival. Think again. The organizers of this event, which attracted 1,500 people in late June, say their quasi-Christian conference “is going to grow into the largest, best run, most dynamic religious happening in the U.S.” ...
... But the founder of Wild Goose, a peace activist from Northern Ireland named Gareth Higgins, is convinced his movement will capture the hearts of young Americans who are questioning their evangelical faith and exploring other options.
To help them discover this new spiritual path, Higgins brought in an assortment of authors, artists, musicians and activists, all from the far left side of the Christian spectrum, to speak or perform June 23-26 at Wild Goose. They included Jay Bakker, son of TV evangelist Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker; Frank Schaeffer, son of evangelical authors Francis and Edith Schaeffer; and San Francisco pastor Paul Fromberg, who described his 2005 marriage to another man and told the crowd: “God is changing the church through the bodies of gay men.”
The appeal of Wild Goose is tragic. ... They want a kinder, gentler, softer Christianity that is acceptable to secular culture rather than one that confronts and contradicts it.
I think many of you share my belief that the last statement is the exact opposite of what we were directed by our Lord, Jesus Christ to do!
Interestingly, just before reading this article, I had read an article by Francis Frangipane that perfectly prescribes the antidote for the above. Below is an excerpt from his article: The Divine Obsession (emphasis added).
World Changers NeededPlease read Lee Grady’s entire article and be aware of this scheme of the enemy. We need to stop this through prayer before it begins to build any momentum. Let us pray with Lee “that [God] will raise up young leaders who are filled with compassion, empowered by the Holy Ghost and brave enough to point their generation back to biblical truth.” Amen!! [So be it!!]
It is this very passion to be conformed to Christ that separates the third group from the others. Though smallest in number, its members are the most effective. Throughout history, these have been the world changers. These are the individuals who have understood the priority of God. They know that the Father's highest passion is to behold His Son revealed in a believer's soul. As much as they are moved with compassion for the lost, their primary quest is not to touch their neighbors' hearts, but to touch the heart of God. They know if they awaken the Father's pleasure, the power of His Spirit will go before them. God Himself will change the hearts of those around them.
It is my sincere quest in life to be like Jesus in everything. It stuns me to know that if I am truly conformed to Christ, I have the Spirit's promise that I will also awaken the pleasure of Almighty God. Here, in my transformation, is the power to touch cities and redeem cultures, for it takes transformed people to transform nations.