Saturday, October 29, 2022

How Should Believers Respond to Halloween?

I know that many Christians will disagree with what I am sharing in this post, including some leaders within the Body of Christ whom I have known and respected for many years.  My role is not to force you to change your mind.  My role is to speak when I feel Holy Spirit directing me to do so, to sound the warnings that He directs me to sound.  I simply pray, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

I am not going to take the time to explain how Halloween started or how it morphed into what how it is “celebrated” today.  I have included references at the end that provide that history for those who are unaware.  What I will say is that any time we try to “Christianize” a pagan celebration, which is what occurred[1], we have moved the wrong direction.  Paul admonishes us to not mix righteousness (Christianity) and lawlessness (paganism).   

14 Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?   15 Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?  (2 Corinthians 6:14-15, NASB 1995)

Where I will focus is on how true Believers in Jesus Christ should respond in today’s culture.  Should we celebrate Halloween?  If so, what are the consequences?  If not, how can we show the love of Christ to our “neighbors” (literally or figuratively) while not opening a door to the demonic. 

Interestingly, within the past couple of weeks as Holy Spirit was dealing with me to publish something about this, I heard at least four other ministers address it, including my pastor.  That got my attention, since I have rarely heard it addressed at all in all my years of being a Christian.  I believe God is trying to get our attention about how we unknowingly open doors to the demonic.  As the battle between heavenly and demonic forces intensifies, God needs His people to get free of anything that is keeping them from being totally free and ready to advance His kingdom.  So, fasten your seat belts and let’s get into it …

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

To answer this question, I am going to take the advice of one of my former pastors.  He maintained that “the man with the experience is never at the mercy of the man with an argument.”  I am going to defer my opinions to those of someone with much experience on what he calls “the dark side.”

The episode of “It’s Supernatural” that aired on October 20, 2022, was titled “Ex-Warlock Reacts to Christians Celebrating Halloween.” (See  In it, John Ramirez hits this question head on.  His background provides insight that those who have (fortunately!) never experienced the demonic realms would likely never see. 

John Ramirez was introduced to witchcraft at the age of 7 and a half with a high-level demonic encounter and became deeply involved by age 8.  Over the next 25 years, he reached the highest levels of involvement as a high-ranking satanic priest – until an encounter with Jesus Christ, Himself, turned him around.  He knows how the demonic realm operates because he operated by its power. 

As part of the interview, Sid Roth asked him, “Why should a Christian not observe Halloween?”  Here is his response.  (Warning:  His response is direct and may offend.)

You open gateways and portals to the spirit realm of darkness, entrapments, set ups, plots, schemes, and wiles that the devil takes over your children, takes over your family. 

He continues: 

And it’s so demonic that once you put on a costume, you put on that outfit, you change your identity for who God called you to be.  And once you put that costume and that identify on, you describe yourself.  
Say you dress like little Ariel, the little mermaid; you’re [taking on] a marine spirit.  You dress like Casper the friendly ghost – you say, “Well I’m not dressing my kid like a witch and a devil; I’m dressing them as Casper the friendly ghost.”  You put on a spirit on your child. 
You change their DNA for the identity and now the devil has legal rights and he has permission that you have given him that you’ve sacrificed your kid spiritually to the dark side.

One note for those not familiar with dealing with freeing believers from demonic influence.  The term “legal rights” may throw you.  There is not time here to expound on this topic, but Satan is a “legalist.”  Just as he tricked Eve into violating God’s command to gain rights to her soul, he continues to do the same.  In any way we “entertain” him – knowingly or unknowingly – he (or his demonic minions) will maintain that access until we evict him (them) through repentance and applying the blood of Jesus.  Moving on …

Sid then asked, “But what if you say it’s just fun and games and parties and you’re ridiculous, John Ramirez.  What would you say?”

I lived it for 25 years of my life.  I got married on Halloween.  I had a demonic wedding with witches and warlocks coming into my wedding, baptizing [making sacrifices].  October 31 and November 1 are the [worst] … the month of October leads up to October 31, it ramps up to October 31.  It’s the high season of the witches and warlocks …

Then Sid moved on to ask “What about certain movies?”  While noting there have been many of them that came out during this season over the years, he specifically noted the new “Hocus Pocus 2” by Disney.  “What’s wrong with that?” he asked.  Ramirez responded.

It’s so despicable how they dress up the devil and make it glamorous, make it cultural, make it fun, make it attractive, make it a fashion statement.  But I saw clips of the movie to break down the demonic on it and “hocus pocus” is a saying that you say to come into agreement with the devil.  “Abracadabra.”  “Open sesame.”  These words have connotations to the dark side.   You’re chanting the words.  Proverbs 18:21 says “Life and death lays on your tongue.”  Whatever death you speak, you make a contract with the devil.

“Hocus Pocus” aims for young people.  It’s a target that’s designed to be glamourous, but the target and the contents of the movie … We have a part of the movie that the young people, they chant the song, “Come Little Children.”  The witches are inviting the children, “Come little children.” 

They are luring, bringing in, drawing the children into Salem.  Salem is the camp of the witches which is the foundation of witchcraft, a foundation of the devil’s kingdom, the devil’s camp.  And they are drawing the [children] there.

There is more, but that’s enough to make the point.  The issue is that things that seem “meaningless” or “harmless” to the uninformed are very meaningful to “the dark side” as he calls it and very harmful to those drawn in unknowingly.  As the saying goes, “Ignorance of the law is no excuse” when you violate a natural law.  The same is true with spiritual laws.  When children – or adults - “innocently” chant demonic chants, they open the door for the demonic to enter their life. 

This was specifically addressing one movie.  Pick any of the witchcraft or sorcery movies or any horror movies and I’m sure Ramirez or anyone else who understand the realm of the demonic could go through it the same way.  This goes for horror movies[2] as well as other movies – or books – promoting witchcraft.  Many Christian parents have yet to understand the door that was opened to their kids (and sometimes themselves as well) through the “Harry Potter” series of books, movies, and then theme park.  But that is one of many.  Name a Disney movie that doesn’t have “magic” of some sort in it, and they are just one producer of such content. 

While movies (or the books from which they are made) were not part of historical Halloween celebrations, they have definitely become a part of the modern culture in the US.  “The scarier the better.”  Those engrossed in them have no idea to what they are opening doors.  Unfortunately, our ignorance of the enemy’s schemes does not keep him from using them.  In fact, he hopes we remain ignorant, because the uninformed are much easier prey.

I trust by now, you are beginning to see that participating in such rituals, even though we would not call them that, is dangerous.  So, what does one do when October 31 rolls around?

Can We Disengage from the Demonic without Disengaging from Society?

Yes.  We not only can, we must.  If we do not stay engaged with society, how do we influence it for the Kingdom?  Jesus even prayed for us that the Father would not remove us from the world, but keep us from the schemes of Satan while remaining in it. 

15 I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one.  (John 17:15, NASB 1995)

Jesus also admonished us to be “the salt of the earth” and the “light of the world.”  We can not do either effectively without engaging in our society.

13 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again?  It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.

14 “You are the light of the world.  A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; 15 nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.  16 Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.  (Matthew 5:13-16, NASB 1995)

As I mentioned at the beginning, I heard several others address this issue within the last couple of weeks.  Each provided some suggestions, many of which were the same.  I’ve added a few more.  Here are some suggestions.

  • Prepare your property ahead of time by walking around it and praying over it.  Set up a “perimeter” that evil spirits are not allowed to cross.  If those coming to your door are “carrying” any demonic spirits with them, pray that those spirits not be allowed to enter on your property or to linger around it afterwards. 
  • They will have costumes; wear your “uniform” – your favorite Christian t-shrit!  Let them know to Who you belong right up front.  😊
  • If you plan to stay home and give out “treats” to the neighborhood kids: 
    • Be “light” to the neighborhood.  Instead of your home being “dark and eerie,” have your porch or driveway (or where ever you will be stationed) well lit.
    • Put on some worship music loud enough for your “guests” to hear as they walk up.  (Other homes will be blasting their eeriness.  We can fill the airwaves around our home with praise to the one true God.) 
    • If you have some tracks or “touch cards” (as we call the cards we use to invite people to our church), hand them out or drop them in the bag with the candy.
    • Pray for each child & parent that comes.  Speak God’s will and destiny over their life.  Pray for not only their salvation, but that they fulfill the purpose God established for them before they were ever conceived.  For the most part, this is done “under the radar” as they come and go.  However, …
    • If there is opportunity and the parents are with them, ask the parents if they need prayer for anything. 
  • If you do not need to stay at home to great “guests,” consider prayer walking your neighborhood.  This can also be done “ahead” – to pray protection and safety for all as well as for their salvation and the fulfillment of their God-given destinies.
  • If you have children that want to go “get candy,” I strongly discourage dressing them in a costume.  If you must, choose one that represents their identity in Christ and pray that over them as you dress them.  For example, as a “warrior for the Lord” or as a “bride of Christ.”  Or dress them as you dress yourself, in a favorite Christian t-shirt. 
  • Instead of the usual “trick or treat” greeting, considering asking at each home if there is anything you can pray about for them.  This was actually done in Europe at one point.  What a great way to engage your kids in ministry!      
By the 16th century, the practice of "souling" had become integral.  The poor of the town or city would go about knocking on doors asking for a soul-cake (also known as a soul-mass-cake) in return for prayers.

This practice is thought to have begun in response to the belief in purgatory where it was thought a soul lingered in torment unless elevated by prayer and, most often, money paid to the Church.  After the Protestant Reformation, "souling" continued in Britain, only now the Protestant young and poor offered to pray for the people of the house and their loved ones instead of those in purgatory while Catholics continued the older tradition.[3]

If you want more information on how to pray about this season, Wanda Alger posted a detailed prayer guide.  Her “8 Prayer Points for Christians During Halloween” is available at 

What if You Have Been Participating in the Past?

Most (if not all) of us have participated at some level in the past.  Maybe as kids, growing up.  Maybe as parents, dressing our kids up and sending (or taking) them around the neighborhood or to a Halloween party.  Maybe as adults going to masquerade parties.  Some may have even been more directly involved in seances, card or palm readings, “lifting” people, or more. 

Don’t panic.  If fear sets in, that is from the enemy and is trying to keep you in bondage.  We can’t change our past, but we can get free from its effects.  Getting free is really very simple.  The “steps” are:  Confess, Repent, Renounce, Command, Replace, Rejoice. 

  1. Confess that Jesus is Lord of your life and that you belong to Him.
  2. Repent of your involvement in the activities.  (Be specific.  List each involvement you remember.  If you remember others later, just go through this again.)
  3. Renounce your partnership with any demonic spirits that were associated with the activities.  Let them know that you no longer welcome them or want any association with them.
  4. Command them to leave in the name of Jesus, because of His shed blood and His victory over them.  Depending on your involvement, there may be several that need to be addressed.  Sometimes, they will all leave at once.  Often, you will have to address each one.  You may find yourself yawning, coughing, sneezing, or with some other manifestation as they exit.  Don’t be alarmed.  That is usually the case. 
  5. Fill the empty place that the spirits left with the Holy Spirit.  Ask Holy Spirit to come and fill those areas. 
  6. Thank God for your deliverance.  Spend some time rejoicing in your new freedom and thanking Him for it. 

If you are not familiar with this type of ministry (usually referred to as deliverance ministry) or feel this is too much to handle on your own, seek out help.  Don’t let the enemy use shame to keep you from asking someone for help.  That is just another tactic of the enemy to keep you in bondage.

References for the History of Halloween

As promised, here are some references regarding the history of Halloween.  These references are all secular sources.  This prevents “doctrinal bias,” but also means that they do not reflect a true Christian world view.  However, for the most part, the facts seem to speak for themselves. 

“History of Halloween” -

“History of Samhain” -

“Who Were the Celts” -

“How the Early Catholic Church Christianized Halloween” -

“Halloween 2022” -

“Ancient Origins of Halloween” -

“All Saints Day” -

“Halloween Comes to America” -

“History of Trick or Treating” -

“Halloween Parties” -

“Halloween Movies” -

“All Souls Day and Soul Cakes” -

“Black Cats and Ghosts on Halloween” -

“Halloween Matchmaking and Lesser-Known Rituals” -

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