As I watched Ben Stein's recently released movie "EXPELLED," I could not help but notice how the two "theories" being discussed - the theory of intelligent design versus the theory of evolution - polarize people.
The abortion issue is another issue that has a similar effect on people.
In both cases, there are those who try to take “a more of moderate view" and merge the two opinions. While they likely view themselves as trying to balance the extremes by finding an area of compromise between them, what they are really doing is avoiding taking a stand.
For those who know that God Jehovah was the Intelligent Designer and that He both designed and created all that is, there is no compromise on that position. He designed and created not only earth and humankind, but all that exists. Further, it was all done with purpose. Nothing about it was “happenstance” nor did man “evolve” from moneys, apes, or tadpoles.
For those who truly believe in the sanctity of life, there is no way to reconcile abortion, under any circumstance, as being acceptable. On the other side of the issue are those who believe that the killing of the unborn is the right of a person to "choose' to eliminate a "problem" - even if that "problem" is someone else's life.
So where is the point of compromise?
Some say that there was intelligent design at the initial creation points, but then the world evolved from there.
Similarly, there are those who believe that while, in general, abortion is wrong, it is acceptable under “certain” circumstances. Those “exceptions” range from rape and incest to babies believed to be developing with certain abnormalities or handicaps to personal trauma to the mother if she continues with the pregnancy.
The problem is that these stances actually put the proponent into the evolution and abortion camps. No matter how they want to water it down or soft-pedal it, they are promoting evolution or abortion.
What we are talking about is situation ethics. Merriam-Webster defines that as being “a system of ethics by which acts are judged within their contexts instead of by categorical principles.” Put another way, it is the losing of absolutes.
Many years ago, I had a manager who lived in what I will call “the gray zone.” He did not seem to have absolutes on anything. One day, he confronted me, accusing me of “seeing everything as black or white.” It did not calm the situation any when I saw that as a compliment rather than a problem!
Are there times we should (even must) compromise? Yes. But, there are issues on which we need to compromise and there are issues where we should never do so.
We can compromise on where we are going to eat dinner, the color to paint the house, where we are going for vacation, or whether to buy a new riding lawn mower or a new refrigerator. These are all amoral decisions. There is no “right” answer from a moral perspective; it is a matter of what is most important to us at the time.
Conversely, the deity of the Creator of the universe and all that exists beyond it and the sanctity of life are moral issues. We should never compromise the Truth that we know from scripture and from personal relationship with the Creator on these topics and others in order to “get along” with those around us.
We have not been called to “get along” with the world. We have been called to change it! May it be said of us as it was said of believers in the 1st century that “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.” (Acts 17:6b, NKJV) May we begin to develop that same reputation. It is time to quit retreating from the world on each and every topic and, instead, begin to “occupy and possess” this world. We must realize that this world was created with the intent of mankind, created in the image of God and living in close relationship with Him, having dominion in and ruling over it.
Adam and Eve relinquished their authority to Lucifer, or Satan as he is more commonly called. “The second Adam,” Jesus Christ, regained that authority. However, it is up to us, His people, to exercise that authority and begin to rule not only our own lives, but our cities, regions, and nations. I am not talking about a political coupe. I am talking about shifting the atmosphere over our cities, states, and nations to one of righteousness. I am talking about strong believers rising up to key positions in business, government, and even the media. I am talking about realizing that the Kingdom of God is not something for which we are waiting, but rather that it exists here and now. According to Luke 10:8-11, we carry it with us – or at least we should. We need to quit waiting for the Kingdom to come and start living in a way that demonstrates our citizenship in it.
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