The morning session on Day 2 of the USAA Conference opened with worship, again led by Jeremy Burk. It was a deep, intimate worship where the line that seemed to be the theme was “This is no ordinary love.” There was also a period of time spent in crying out through song and other ways for God to extend mercy on this nation.
Lance Wallnau was the first speaker. He started by referencing the comments that had been made about Lincoln last night. He pointed out that Lincoln was not a strong revivalist when he was elected. He was shaped by the crucible in which he found himself. The situation within the nation drove him to prayer. Four months after the National Day of Prayer & Humiliation, the tipping point came in the war at Gettysburg.
Lance then moved into his message for the morning, which, of course, focused on the seven mountains or the …
7 Mind Molders
[Note: If you have ever heard Lance Wallnau speak, you know that trying to take notes is a challenge. He talks faster than Bill Hamon and while he does sometimes repeat his point, he never states it the same way twice. What follows are the notes I took from this morning, supplemented with points from previous messages I have heard from him along with some of my own thoughts or insights. Long sections of my “add ins” are in brackets, but shorter additions are simply woven in with the point. It’s my blog – I get to write it the way I want. :-)]
Lance first pointed out that Satan’s only power is deception. [This was a truth that God revealed to me many years ago and then substantiated for me in scripture. It is his only weapon. Yet he is good enough at it. So good, in fact, that he will deceive “the whole world.” (Rev 12:9)] Satan uses mind control to deceive.
Luke 4 tells us the elements to be mastered in each of our lives. Luke 4:5-6 talks about the kingdoms (plural) of the world and the domain in which they reside and their glory. Satan says he can give them to whomever he wills, which is apparently true since Jesus does not dispute his claim. At that point, Satan had dominion over all the kingdoms of this world – ruled the domain in which all these kingdoms reside. Jesus did not dispute his claims nor did He accept his offer. Jesus knew that he would receive the nations of the earth as his inheritance – legitimately.
While Jesus purchased back the legal right to these, most are still under the control of Satan and “whomever he wills.” Jesus is still intent on reclaiming (possessing) all of those kingdoms. Neither God nor Satan can move beyond the agreement of men. Satan cannot; God will not. How far either kingdom is advanced depends on the response of people. Jesus can not repossess that inheritance without us cooperating with Him to do so.
We need to understand that nations are part of God’s strategy. Satan seeks to suppress nations. God wants to liberate nations. The Holy Nation (God’s people) must get liberated first! Only then can we begin to liberate the other nations or kingdoms.
Kingdoms: Nations and spheres within nations (e.g. economic, political etc.)
Power: A remnant of people who dominate the spheres.
Glory: A liberation of the Church to show forth His glory. When the Church matures into fullness, God releases the fullness of the glory.
The Church has a kingdom to proclaim, but the kingdom is larger than the Church.
Kings (those who currently control each of these mountains) need to either be converted or replaced. We need to begin believing that.
We must restore the Church mountain to receive the Honor of the bride; the Family to Strength; the Education system to Wisdom; the Government to Power; the Media to Blessing; Arts & Entertainment to Glory; and Business to Riches (Wealth). Then the Lamb will receive “power and riches and wisdom and might [strength] and honor and glory and blessing.” (Rev 5:12)
The Church must transition to become an equipper for people to go out and possess their mountain. Someone will be at the top of each mountain – either a sheep or goat. If the sheep do not take it, the goats will! Israel was warned that if they did not “drive out the inhabitants of the land” then those whom they left there would “become as pricks in [their] eyes and as thorns in [their] sides, and they [would] trouble [them] in the land in which [they lived].” (Num 33:55) Further, Isaiah 2:2 tells us that the House of God is at the top (or chief) of the mountains.
Each sphere is sovereign. The church is not intended to rule over the other mountains, just as they are not intended to rule over the church (religion mountain). Each has its role – its responsibility and authority. The religion mountain is intended to affect each of the others by training people who are on each of those mountains in the ways of the kingdom. Those kingdom people then instill kingdom values and kingdom principles in each of their spheres of influence. In order to have sovereignty in a sphere, we need to raise up those with sphere authority in that mountain.
One signature of the kingdom is that it removes demonic structures from the house. When the kingdom of God shows up, the demons have to go. Kingdom people should be bringing freedom (deliverance) everywhere we go.
You have sphere penetration when you receive favor from someone with sphere authority. For example, David accomplished sphere penetration when he received favor from Saul. [Realize that favor can be a temporary thing!]
The secret to gaining favor is realizing that you are there to solve a problem. You first look to solve the problem. Only after you have successfully solved their problem do you earn their trust to be able to save their soul.
[Today there are LOTS of voices pointing out the problems in our nation or society – not only here in America, but in other nations as well. I believe we MUST get this point. We need to be reaching out to the non-believing world with answers to the problems being experienced on the various mountains – not just a finger pointing at all the things that are wrong. We need to become the solution people, not just the critics.]
You can move from a place of obscurity to a place of sphere preeminence in a moment, if you have had proper preparation – even if that preparation is with “just a few sheep.” (See 1 Sam 17:28 where Eliab rebukes David for inquiring about the challenge from Goliath asking him “And with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness?”)
When David went out to meet Goliath, he knew he had to deal with “the head issue.” He hit Goliath in the forehead and knocked him out. He then cut his head off. He could have done any number of things. Once he was knocked out, he could have run the sword through his heart or bowels. But he dealt with “the head issue.” When David did that, it also broke the mind control off the Israelites, and they ran out to route the rest of the enemy camp.
We need to understand that favor is often just part 1 of the message. Part 2 of the message can be backlash. The biggest backlash will come from the religious spirit of those who are threatened by what you have done. David felt the backlash! Saul would one minute love him and the next try to pin him to the wall with a spear. [Usually it is the very ones that we use our gifts and abilities to help (often at their request) that then turn on us the worst. When they are “in their right minds” (not under the mind control of deception), like Saul with David, they will admit we have only done good towards them and ask forgiveness. But, when the mind control settles back upon them, we are once again having to duck to dodge the spear. We have to realize that they are acting out of their insecurity. Instead of viewing the gifts or abilities that we have as an asset to complement theirs, we become viewed as a threat because we were able to do something that they could not. This situation is often worsened if those around the situation compliment (or praise) what we have done to the insecure leader. “Saul has slain his thousands, but David has slain his tens of thousands.” We have now, unknowingly, become a threat to the security of “their” kingdom. This is especially sad in that we were sent there by God to help “secure” the kingdom for them!]
When we experience sphere overlap we get to what the military terms forced multiplication. An example of this would be when the “kings” or sphere elites from the business realm finance the use of the media to promote a particular political agenda. Here we have three spheres working together to accomplish a goal, resulting in a synergistic multiplication of efforts. The world understands this. Islam understands this. In Islam, a successful businessman is expected to fund a mosque or a training center or something of that sort. If a Christian businessman tries to do the same, he is viewed with suspicion. Likewise, Islam constantly mixes religion and government. If a Christian runs for office, they are critiqued on their religious views rather than on their knowledge and capabilities for the office for which they are running.
We need to begin to raise up a generation that will move into these mountains in a stealth mode – under the radar. We need Remnant Elites in each of the mountains.
When we begin to have emerging democracies (such as in the Soviet Union and the countries that had been part of the Soviet block or in some of the emerging African nations), we did not address the corruption that was present at the top of the government and the top of the financial sector. Failure to deal with these “ites” caused the failure of the fledgling democracies. Further, the message of salvation that we have brought to these nations, has impacted them adversely. For example, in Africa, we have a growing disparity between the rich and the poor. That is because of our doctrines of benevolence of caring for the poor rather than stamping out systemic poverty.
So, what do we need to do? We need to identify the current elites at the top of each sphere. Wallnau suggests identifying the top five (5) in each sphere. We need to be praying for them. If they are not believers, we need to pray for their conversation and the conversion of their households (spouse, children, and those under their sphere of influence). We need to pray them into the kingdom or at least to a place of working with kingdom principles or pray them out of position. We also need to identify and be praying for the emerging elites.
We need to understand and employ the concept of micro-churches. These are groups that are formed for a particular assignment. It is through these that we will mobilize the kingdom elites. An example of this is the Clapham group that was formed by John Thornton and led by William Wilberforce in the late 1700s / early 1800s. This group changed not only England but the world. They had sphere elites from all seven mountains and knew how to link forces to get the force multiplication factor working for them to blitz the people with information and education to bring about a change in thought on a matter. They not only ended slave trade, but slavery itself in Great Britain and then in other nations. They even influenced many in America, including Pres. John Q. Adams.
We are beginning to see the emergence of “cross-functional apostles.” These are apostles who can work with those in the other spheres. Not all apostles have been able to do that. These apostles can activate saints to go and possess their inheritance in the other mountains.
We have to learn how to apply kingdom principles in a covert way. Once there is acceptance and buy-in to the principles, then (and only then) can we deal with the souls. Solve their problem. Gain their trust. Then they are willing to hear what you have to say about your God.
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