Saturday, April 4, 2009

Report from USAA - Day 2, Session 3 - Tim Sheets

NOTE: These are my notes from the sessions. They are sometimes just bullet points or summary statements. If you want more information or clarification on something, please contact me.

Tim Sheets started by saying that “Everyone has a God ordained purpose.” It is vitally important that we understand it. Myles Munroe says that “the greatest tragedy in life isn’t death; it’s life without purpose.”

Tim's message centered around the fact that instead of expecting everyone "who loves God" to leave the secular world and move to the "religion mountain," we (as 5-fold ministers) need to be helping them identify the purpose God has for them, for their life, and then equipping them to fulfill it.

Tim provided the following statistics:
- 65% of our grandparents’ generation were actively involved in the Church.
- 35% of our parents’ generation were actively involved in the Church.
- 15% of our generation are actively involved in the Church.
Unless something changes …
- 4% of the next generation will be actively involved in the Church.

Christians stayed on the Religion mountain preoccupied with Christ’s coming instead of occupying until He comes. … We need to think occupation instead of evacuation.

God wrote your thesis before you were ever born; He had intents and purposes for you being born when and where you were. He gave you everything you need to accomplish your destiny – gifts, talents, and abilities. He then wrote your calling on your thesis.

Calling: a divine invitation to vocation or employment AND a divine invitation to ministry or service to the Body of Christ.
Jesus was born in a marketplace house. God wanted Him to have a marketplace mindset. His parables were marketplace examples: master builder, winemaker, farming – sowing & reaping, finding treasures, ranching, management & labor, family business, hostile takeover, observation & research before starting a business, venture capital in high risk investments, etc. The gospel is designed to work in the marketplace culture.

We need to embed the next generation on each of the mountains – trained in the skills they need in the natural [for their calling or vocation] and in the ways of the kingdom to help take that mountain for God. Remember, the 6% “Ruling Elite” control the mountain and the other 94% on it [and all the others that are influenced or affected by it].

Tim had been praying for a strategy for Ohio. What he feels God gave him is a plan for each local church to work to send (at least) one young champion into each of the mountains. The concept of being called in spheres other than the church needs to be taught. Callings need to be identified. Young people need to be groomed [educated and equipped] to go into the sphere in which God is calling them.

If each of the 50 states raised up “just” 50,000 over the next 10 years, that would be 2.5 million young warriors on the mountains. Tim’s ministry has developed curriculum at all levels, starting with preschool, to teach the concepts of taking the mountains to all ages. (These are available for purchase from his ministry.)

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